A place to call home

Hackerspace Gent (0x20) is a hackerspace in the wonderful city of Ghent, Belgium. It is a physical space run by a group of people dedicated to various aspects of constructive & creative tinkering.

Don't worry, we won't break into your computer. The hacker subculture consists of, but is not limited to: computing, networking, programming, music, gaming, electronics, lock picking, woodworking, robotics, science fiction... However, the defining characteristic of a hacker is not the activities performed themselves, but the manner in which it is done. A hacker is someone who invents, constructs, learns, shares, trains basic skills and is willing to think outside the box to find a creative solution to a problem.

Note: While we are always aiming to be constructive, there is a group of people who loudly call themselves hackers, but have a different motivation. Unfortunately, some media have been using the word ‘hacker’ to describe people we do not necessarily agree with.


Past Events

Online tools


A real-time collaborative text editor, where you can make "pads" in which you can type text that will be immediatly synchronised to other or future readers of that pad.


Our shiny new wiki, barely in use at the moment, but a nice way of documenting something in a readable and recognisable format.


The Hackerspace Blueprint is a living document which explains how our community works. Designed to give power to the people who do stuff.